I'm Lori – a UX/UI Designer @ Avanade in Toronto

I specialize in solving complex business problems with a focus on enterprise design solutions.

My skills:

Design thinking
User flows and Site Maps
Wireframing and Protoyping
UX research and Testing

Design Thinking

User flows and Site

Wireframing and Prototyping

UX Research and Testing

I'm a UX/UI Designer at Avanade where I translate business problems into digital product experiences. I am also a certified Human-Centred Design Practitioner where I facilitate design thinking workshops to encourage stakeholders and product teams to brainstorm solutions together for a customer centric approach.

In addition, I am a global thinker and value diversity. I worked in Tokyo, Japan for 4 years in international and Japanese companies where I collaborated with people from different countries. Being immersed in different cultures inspires me to be culturally aware and take into account all the different life experiences and biases in my design process.


I have a hospitality background with extensive experience in omotenashi おもてなし (Japanese hospitality). These practices have always taught me to deliver outstanding customer experiences with honesty, humility, and empathy. I combine omotenashi and UX in my design process by anticipating needs and empowering users. After all, in the world of competition, users and clients have chosen to use my product or service, and it's my job to make their tech experience a hospitable one.



A badge that reads "Luma Institute Certified Practitioner"
Certified Human-Centred Design Practitioner
Certified Human-Centered Design Facilitator

Let's get in touch!

If you want to collaborate or talk about design, please feel free to reach out to me :)